Design with Micro-Processors


Romanian B Series: Fridays, 08-10
Room: 40, Str. Gh. Baritiu nr. 26-28, 400027, Cluj-Napoca
Marks and Attendance: Romanian B Series


Students must attend all classes, including at least 75% of the lectures.
Presence at the laboratory classes is 100% mandatory! Students with unrecoverable absences will not be allowed to attend the exam!

You must study the lab pdf file before attending the lab. You will be asked random questions at the beginning of each lab, if you cannot answer then you will be considered absent.

The lab mark will be composed of: Lab Activity Assessment (LA) and Project Assessment (P).
The Lab Mark = (LA + P)/2

Students with the Lab Mark < 5, are not allowed to attend the exam!

The final mark (Grade) is the average of the written exam (E) and laboratory mark (Lab).

Grade = 0.5*E + 0.5*Lab
Pass Condition: E ≥ 4.5, Lab ≥ 5.0

The project presentation will take place during weeks 13 and 14.



Old Labs

Exam Problems